International Churches

Since the early days of GloryGate Ministries, Int’l, Wm Daniel John has anticipated the international expansion of the message he has taught these many years. Always in prayer that God would guide men of faith and scholarship to hear and understand what God has placed in his care and custody.

Over the last several years, God has lead Bishops, Apostles and Pastors from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and the Philippines to the GloryGate Ministries, Int’l website to read and study the doctrine shared by Wm Daniel John. After careful study from the teaching within Bro John’s Theology pages, with personal and corporate prayers toward God as to what God was calling them to do, the message was clear within their hearts — “Touch your spiritual Father’s heart with your desire for fellowship and relationship within the ministry of GloryGate. As a result your vision in My Kingdom purpose will be made clear as you touch your world in My name”.