Let Your Voice Be Heard

Dear Christian Patriot, We all know there is evil at work within both political parties. The Democrats have completely surrendered to evil openly supporting LGBTQ grooming, mutilation of children with gender surgery, abortion at all stages (even after birth), and socialism. However, the atheistic globalists are at work even now trying to take control over […]

The Restrict Act = Censorship

Restrict Act - Access Denied

One of the foundational key elements of what made The United States of America great is “free speech” as protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Our freedoms in the USA are consistantly being restricted and in my opinion The Restrict Act is the latest greatest in the attempt to control, spy on, […]

Chapel – Yes! Bar – No!

ACTION PLAN AT THE END!!! NOTE:  ANYONE IN OR OUT OF THE CITY OF LAKELAND CAN PARTICIPATE IN THIS EFFORT TO KEEP LAKELAND “FAMILY SAFE”! For the last few months, a local bar has been working to reestablish itself in a new location, a former church right across the street from an existing church. Putting […]

Thanksgiving – The American Holiday

Psalm 126:3 The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. Read Psalm 106:1-15 The giving of thanks should be done by everyone, everywhere but Thanksgiving – the holiday, is an American Holiday. Most nations of the earth have a day set aside to celebrate their nation’s birth or some other milestone in their nation’s history but I […]

Bad Books in Schools

The current “solution” offered by the Polk County School Board is a burecratic joke!!! Is it intended to be? What do we do? What makes it worse is that the window of opportunity closes on Wednesday, August 17.

Oh No!! It might be Covid19!!!

As serious or even seriously misunderstood as Covid19 may be, it does not have to stop you from being you and it certainly doesn’t stop God from being God. God is good, all the time, and His mercy endures forever. You’ve likely recently experienced a conversation where the person you’re talking to jumps to a […]

I Don’t Like It! How do I do?

Mask on globe

I don’t like it. I don’t think it’s right. I’m not gonna… I…I…I… “Everything is a test.” Yes, even this. My patience is being tested. My resolve is being tested. My kindness, temperance, my self-control. It is all being tested. At the same time my faith, my joy, and my peace are all being tested. […]

Guard Your Mind

Guard your mind – Guard your heart – Guard your mouth (in 3 separate posts) The enemy is always looking for a place of access and Ephesians 3:4 directs us to not give him any place. These 3 things are needed always and will help you especially in challenging times.   Guard You Mind.   The mind is the […]

Risky Business?

 Luke 14:26-33 26 “If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. 27 And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple. 28 “But don’t begin […]

Leaving It At The Door…

Believers’ Fellowship will still have services. We are not trying to be resistant to our government but rather obedient to God. We will comply as much as possible with any government order such as cleaning, avoiding physical contact, screening and distancing that does not restrict our ability and right to assemble. Believers’ Fellowship is regularly […]