JOIN US and EMAIL Your U.S. Senator and Demand they STOP all support of S.686 The Restrict Act.


COPY & SEND THE FOLLOWING TEXT IN AN EMAIL to as many Senators as you can … or use your own words – 

I write to urge you to STOP all support of S.686 The Restrict Act!  This bill will grant dangerous arbitrary power to unelected bureaucrats and negligently provides no avenue for Congressional oversight. The Restrict Act is an incredibly dangerous, vaguely written Act adding unlimited and overbroad authority to the Secretary of Commerce while securing no true check and balance and creating enormous loopholes that are unmistakably written to circumvent every constitutional limitation – especially that of due process.

Certain members of Congress, through the Restrict Act, are clearly attempting to reverse the Supreme Court’s actions of moving the pendulum of bureaucratic power back in the direction of the proper Constitutional limits of separation of powers and delegation of powers.

The idea that the Restrict Act is somehow limited to “foreign” threats is laughable and not supported by the text of this Act.

If passed the Restrict Act will plague the Liberties of Americans for generations to come. We must act now to prevent this violent attack on our Constitution.

We must also STOP this provision from being put into any future NDAA!

Thank you for standing AGAINST S.686 The Restrict Act.